November is for No


Ah yes, it’s that time of year. The days draw in, I get aggrieved at the park closing fifteen minutes earlier each week, and I start to get the Guilts for not committing myself to one of the various creative marathons that the last thirty-day month of the year offers.

There’s NaNoWriMo.

Or NaBloPoMo.

For the boys, or the hirsute girls I guess, Movember.

As I haven’t written a word of fiction this year – I tell a lie, there was a single dashed-off entry for a short story competition – I think it’s probably unwise to want to throw myself into Nano this year. Except, of course, that now I’ve sensibly told myself that, I really really really want to. Ironically I even have an idea, once that’s been festering building for a while. It’s timely and will be redundant by next year.

I’ll make a decision – oh, probably late on Sunday evening.   Instead I have definitely committed to one Nano task – I am making cake and/or caramel popcorn for two able and willing participants, at the intervals of their choosing. Sugar powered wordsmiths! Meanwhile, go and read all about To Hell With Publishing. Admire their chutzpah, their drive and their brilliant determination to get back to basics and the bones of a good story. Bottom line bedamned, and best of luck to them. (I don’t doubt they’ve actually able to be profitable actually – they’re just playing the game differently.)

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